ITWC President and CMO Fawn Annan unveils the details of a new Lead Conversion as a Service (LCaaS)

ITWC President and CMO unveils the details of a new Lead Conversion as a Service (LCaaS) program at a Channel Building workshop held in advance of the April 24 Top 100 Solution Providers Gala.

ITWC has unveiled a new marketing approach to help clients identify the right time to try and close a deal. CIO Jim Love and President and CMO Fawn Annan introduced Lead Conversion as a Service (LCaaS) during a recent Channel Building workshop in Toronto.

LCaaS is a content marketing program that uses proprietary analytics to identify individuals with buying authority and determine their position in the buyers’ journey. By offering those individuals sponsored content that’s appropriate for their current stage, the duo says the prospect can be nurtured until they are ready to buy. To find out more, fill out the attached registration form and we’ll get in touch.