Master Class


Educate The Market To Become The Market Leader

Offer an ITWC Master Class that
transforms a workshop into a platform
for business-building

Traditional workshops have forced line of business and IT
decision makers to travel and learn within a specific timeframe.
And there’s always a risk participants will walk away with little
they actually apply. Contrast that with an ITWC Masterclass —
designed to position our clients as the go-to experts they are.

What ITWC will deliver:

  • Deep Audience Engagement with your technology offering
  • Exclusive audience on your product or solution
  • ITWC Framework design for workshop delivery and an ITWC facilitator to assist
  • Introduction Video of company and solution being explored – 5 minutes
  • An intimate audience of no more than 15 to 20 participants
  • Editorial coverage post session
  • High brand awareness in pre-promotion advertising including promotional emails, newsletter and online ads

Inspire active learning to foster more engagement with your priority contacts

An ITWC Master Class offers a video streaming service where top
industry practitioners can teach everything your audience needs to
know about DevOps, low code development and other advanced
topics. All sessions are pre-recorded, which ensures a quality
content experience while offering participants flexibility in how and
when they learn.

Replace homework with content that enriches the opportunity to drive sales

ITWC Master Class programs also come with a class workbook, which participants can download and reference when they share what they’ve learned with other members of their organization’s buying committee. Schedule a Master Class to coincide with your next product launch, user conference or other marketing initiative.